Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) is an approach in international development cooperation involving collaboration between a government agency and a private-sector company that is being used to finance, build, and operate medium to large scale government community-based projects in most developing countries. Theoretically, it is expected that PPP would enhance project sustainability due to its ability to foster project cost minimisation, involvement of various stakeholders and awareness creation. However, challenges associated with PPPs such as political decision making rather than what’s best for the project, the high risk of cost overruns and schedule delays, and the inability to get out of a long-term deal that is disadvantageous, are some of the reasons that calls for need for enhancing training in PPPs. Thus, for the best outcomes to be realised, the PPPs approach requires the adoption of high-technical skills in diverse areas; project planning, designing, financing, procurement, construction resources and supply management. Additional skills in project supervision, variations handling and progress certification are highly needed for the successful execution of PPPs projects. The need to equip staff under PPP units with the aforesaid skills can therefore not be underestimated. It is projected that the course will therefore provide a fundamental framework for executing PPPs projects by training participants in the crucial advanced strategies, techniques and tactics in this field.
This pricing is for clients who need the trainings delivered on premise or within the organizations' jurisdiction.
This pricing is for clients who need the trainings delivered outside their jurisdiction but within East Africa.
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