Records management policies and guidelines in the public sector is essential for safekeeping of all records. The safekeeping of records involves procedures and guidelines of sharing information within the organization. Having records management policies and guidelines allows employees and officers in the public sector to know how they are responsible for storing and destroying records. Therefore, understanding records management policies and guidelines can benefit the organization and its customers. The management of public sector records starts with how all employees and officers are aware of policies and guidelines to manage records. Losing records or having no proper policies and guidelines on how to destroy records can be a problem for the organization. Your ability to understand records management policies and guidelines will enable your organization to work effectively and efficiently. This course will enrich your knowledge on records management policies and guidelines in the public sector as outlined in the objectives and expected outcomes.
This pricing is for clients who need the trainings delivered on premise or within the organizations' jurisdiction.
This pricing is for clients who need the trainings delivered outside their jurisdiction but within East Africa.
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